Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.18

LTS release • Delivered on April 14, 2022 • Changelog: 20758

Magnolia CMS 6.2.18 is primarily a bug-fixing and security release that delivers critical vulnerability fixes. The release also provides several improvements. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.



  • Highly requested PAGES-552 The updated Add component action makes it easier for you to add a new component before or after any other selected component.

    See for yourself!

    Add Component

  • PAGES-560 SPA renderer supports site prototype, including baseUrl and routeTemplate

  • MAGNOLIA-8319 Page editor: areas and components not editable if user doesn’t have write permission on page

  • MAGNOLIA-8359 Remove Admincentral code from UI

  • MAGNOLIA-8362 Add debug logging for tracking SystemRepositoryStrategy instances

  • MGNLEESOLR-160 Update crawler4j library

  • MGNLUI-5772 Streamline/revisit implementations of I18nAuthoringSupport

  • MGNLUI-6143 RichTextField: use new chooser dialog retrieval mechanism

  • MGNLUI-6364 Column Filter: comboBoxField with optionListDatasource not working as filter

  • MGNLUI-7031 Deprecate DialogPresenter and point to a replacement

  • MAGNOLIA-8321 Create $type annotation for TemplateDefinition

  • MGNLREST-197 Lacking of total size of items when doing REST requests

  • MGNLSITE-109 Create $type annotation for PageTemplateDefinition and PrototypeTemplateDefinition

  • PAGES-548 Create $type annotation for SpaRenderableDefinition

Bug fixes

  • EXTDAM-346 Update kotlin dependency

  • MGNLMAIL-99 Page content has not been processed properly when user chooses 'page' option in mail template

  • MGNLPN-610 Font in green bars are hard to read in some browsers

  • MGNLREST-333 REST endpoint returns a String value regardless of the data type

  • MGNLUI-7018 comboBox fails when dataProvider size > 500

  • MGNLUI-7052 Use daemon threads for result collectors to avoid blocking server shutdown


  • MGNLEE-680 Raise p13n-version to 2.1.x on dx-core parent-pom

Third-party library updates

  • BUILD-738 Update to Guava 31.1-jre

  • BUILD-715 Update to jackson-databind

  • BUILD-710 [Magnolia dependency bot] Upgrade groovyVersion to 3.0.10

  • BUILD-702 [Magnolia dependency bot] Upgrade log4jVersion to 2.17.2


Known issues

If you are upgrading from an earlier version, read the Upgrading to Magnolia page first and check the Known issues page.

Documentation screenshot updates

Some of the screenshots in the documentation still show the legacy Magnolia 5 UI. Please bear with us as we work to update them.

Updated modules

  • About 6.2.18

  • Admincentral 6.2.18

  • Admincentral-legacy 6.2.18

  • Community Edition 6.2.18

  • Content Editor 2.1.1

  • DAM 3.0.15

  • DX Core 6.2.18

  • External DAMs 1.0.10

  • Form 2.7.5

  • Imaging 3.5.3

  • Magnolia 6.2.18

  • Mail 5.5.11

  • Messages 6.2.18

  • Pages 6.2.17

  • Personalization 2.1.1

  • Publishing 1.3.4

  • Publishing Transactional 1.2.2

  • REST Client 2.0.3

  • REST Client UI 1.0.4

  • REST Framework 2.2.12

  • Security 6.2.18

  • Site 1.4.4

  • Soft Locking 3.1.2

  • Tasks 6.2.18

  • Templating Essentials 2.0.2 (unbundled for 6.2.18)

  • Third-party library BOM 6.2.18

  • UI 6.2.18


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better. Special thanks go to Matei "Mal" Badanoiu, Nils Breunese, Vincenzo Cerbone, Christopher Chard, Thomas Duffey, Antti Hietala, Rico Jansen, Marvin Kerkhoff, Marek Lesiak, Michiel Meeuwissen, Anne Meister, Hieu Nguyen Duc, Sebastian Tauch, and Bence Vass.


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