Siteimprove module

Connector Pack Optimization Connector Pack







Compatible with Magnolia 6.2.

The Siteimprove module enables you to perform SEO checks by using the cloud-based application Siteimprove. It is a tool to help you score higher ranking in search engines and check how your content is performing over all.

Module structure

artifactID Description


Provides a default implementation to connect to Siteimprove.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:



The module provides the following configuration options.

Property Description


optional, defaults to `info.magnolia.connector.siteimprove.mapper.SiteDefinitionDomainMapper`

The default mapping implementation relies on the related site definition domain. You can add your custom implementation of the page mapping by implementing info.magnolia.connector.siteimprove.mapper.SiteImproveMapper and changing the related configuration.


required Token provided by Siteimprove. The first time Siteimprove is contacted the token is stored here. There is no need to set the token manually.


required, if using prepublish check

The username (email) used to log into Siteimprove dashboard


required, if using prepublish check

To generate an api key for prepublish check visit Siteimprove dashboard → Integrations → API → API keys → Create API key (Manage API keys])


Using the Siteimprove connector helps you fix and improve website accessibility, SEO, content quality and more. Siteimprove crawls websites through public URLs, which means that all pages are indexed from their public addresses.

Accessing the Siteimprove dashboard

To access the Siteimprove dashboard for the first time:

  1. Log into Magnolia.

  2. Open a page in the Pages app.

  3. Click the Siteimprove icon Siteimprove icon to the right of the page.

  4. In the pop up window that opens, enter your Siteimprove credentials.

    The Siteimprove dashboard then displays the SEO results for the page you have open (and site the page belongs to).

Siteimprove example

Once you have logged in for the first time, the Siteimprove dashboard remains available via the icon for each page you open.

If the Siteimprove icon is greyed out, log out of Magnolia and back in again.

Setting your website to be observed

Before any SEO check can be performed, you must set your website to be observed by Siteimprove. You can do this in the Siteimprove application itself.

Site and group access section

Performing an SEO check

To perform an SEO check on your site, tree or page, click Check page in the Siteimprove dashboard. Siteimprove analyzes the page’s content and displays results such as the DCI page score, number of broken links, misspellings and more.

The default spell checker integration we provide is to an external service TextGears, Siteimprove offers its own.

Performing a prepublish check

To enable the prepublish check, you need to provide a valid username and apiKey.

To perform a prepublish check click Siteimprove: Prepublish check in the page editor action bar. Siteimprove: Prepublish check action The Siteimprove overlay will show a progress indicator during it’s processing Siteimprove: Prepublish check in progress Once the processing is done the prepublish check results can be viewed on the results page Siteimprove: Prepublish check done Siteimprove: Prepublish results page


Version Notes


Released on June 1st, 2023.

For Magnolia 6.2.


Released on October 8th, 2020.

For Magnolia 6.2.


Released on October 6th, 2020.

For Magnolia 6.1.


Released on February 5th, 2020.


Released on September 23rd, 2019.

The is now part of the Optimization Connector Pack. Siteimprove enables you to perform SEO checks using the cloud-based application Siteimprove. It is a tool to help you score higher ranking in search engines and check how your content is performing over all.


Released on December 1st, 2018.

Updated for Magnolia 6.0 compatibility.


Released on October 12th, 2018.


Released on October 5th, 2018.

Initial release of the Extensions version of the module.

Siteimprove module compatibility

Module version Magnolia version


Magnolia 6.2


Magnolia 6.1


Magnolia 6.2, 6.1


Magnolia 6.1

In versions predating 1.1.4, this module was in the Incubator. Uninstall previous versions before installing 1.1.4.


Magnolia 6.0


Magnolia 5.6.5


Magnolia 5.6.4





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