Data store deployment

This page compares different ways to store data between Magnolia instances. Each option has its pros and cons.

Option 1: Completely separate instances

Each instance has a dedicated database and runs on different physical hardware.

This setup is good for zero downtime.

Tolerant, highly available, completely redundant
Duplication of data and cost of resources to keep them

Separate instances diagram

Option 2: Centralized database server

A centralized database server holds the copies of JCR repositories for each instance. But the instances run in separate virtual machines.

This setup is performant but not disaster tolerant.

Save money on database licenses and maintenance
Retain separate copies of data
Database is a single point of failure (unless it is clustered)
Need to maintain more hardware or VMs

Centralized database server diagram

Option 3: Clustered data store

All public instances run in a cluster.

Low cost
Faster publishing
Sharing of user-generated content
Only one copy of data
If the cluster goes down you lose all public data

Clustered data store diagram


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