SSO Issues with OpenID / Azure

From Magnolia 6.2.10, in your Tomcat configuration, make sure that the CookieProcessor component does not have the sameSiteCookies property set to strict. Instead, set the property to Lax:

<CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="Lax" /> (1)
1 sameSiteCookies set to Lax instead of strict.
If the CookieProcessor with sameSiteCookies set to strict, you will likely encounter issues while trying to log into Magnolia. If you decide to continue using the SSO Module, you need to know that setting this cookie to Lax has the potential to impact site security.

Modify values.yml

To modify sameSiteCookies, update your values.yml file.

After making these changes, you have to redeploy your application for the changes to be picked up.
  sameSiteCookies: Lax (1)
1 sameSiteCookies set to Lax instead of strict.




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