CDN statistics

You can view your CDN statistics for an active domain in a content delivery server.

You must register a domain in the cockpit. If you haven’t done that, see Domains and Certificates.
The statistics sections remain empty until you enable a domain for the content delivery server.

Purge All

To purge the entire cache from the content delivery server for the domains in the selector, click Purge All. Alternatively, you can purge by URL.

For more, see Purging.

purge cdn all

It does not currently purge your Magnolia instance’s cache.

Purge URL

Instead of purging the entire cache, you may want to simply purge a single object from all cache servers. In this case, you will want to use the Purge URL option in the Cockpit.

  1. Go to Content delivery > Statistics.

  2. Under CDN Actions, click Purge URL.

    purge url

  3. In the dialog:

    1. Choose your desired Domain from the dropdown list.

    2. Enter the Full URL path of the object that you want to purge.

    3. Optionally select to perform a Soft purge.

      If unselected, a hard purge is performed which immediately makes the object inaccessible. Soft purges mark the object as stale, but it is still accessible.

      Stale objects can reduce backend loads by allowing for conditional revalidation and other performance-enhancing patterns. For more, see Fastly’s soft vs hard purge docs.

    4. Click Purge URL.

      purge url dialog

View stats

  1. Go to Content delivery > Statistics.

  2. Select the desired Cluster Id from the dropdown list.

  3. Select the desired Domain from the dropdown list.

  4. Select the Range for the statistics.

  5. Click Apply filters.

    stats choose filters


Statistic Description

Hit ratio

Measurement (expressed as a percentage) of how many content requests the cache filled compared to how many requests it received.

Hit ratio over time

Hit ratio expressed over a timeline.

Cache coverage

The percentage of cacheable requests compared to all requests.

This excludes PASS requests.

Cache statuses

Cache statuses expressed as a percentage by category.

  • HIT means the object was found in the cache.

  • MISS means the object was not found in the cache at the time of the query.

  • PASS means it was flagged to not be cached.

Cache coverage over time

Cache coverage (as a percentage) expressed over a timeline.


Statistic Description

Requests per zone

Displays (as a map) the requests per geographic zone.

Request per zones and host: <host>

Displays the requests per geographic zone and host.


Statistic Description

Total requests

Displays the number of total requests.

Total requests last 24 hours

Displays the number of total requests in the last 24 hours.

Total request beginning of month

Displays the number of total requests since the beginning of the current month.

Total request per host

Displays a chart for the number of total requests per host as a percentage.

Requests total

Displays a graph for the request volumes coming in currently on a timeline.

Requests total per host

Displays a graph for the request volumes coming in currently on a timeline per host.

Requests rate

Displays the rate of requests coming in on a timeline. This is requests per second.

Requests rate per host

Displays the rate of requests coming in on a timeline per host. This is requests per second.

Round trip

Statistic Description

Round trip

The average time it took to get a response after initiating network request.

Round trip over last 24 hours

The average time it took to get a response after initiating network request for the last 24 hours.

Round trip since beginning of the month

The average time it took to get a response after initiating network request since the beginning of the month.

Round trip timeline

The average time it took to get a response after initiating network request on timeline.

Round trip timeline per host

The average time it took to get a response after initiating network request on timeline per host.


Statistic Description

Request duration

Graph showing how long requests are taking on a timeline.

Request duration per status

Graph showing how long requests are taking on a timeline, categorized by status.

  • HIT

  • MISS

  • PASS


Request duration per host

Graph showing how long requests are taking on a timeline, categorized by host.


Statistic Description


Shows the traffic volume in GB.

Traffic over last 24 hours

Shows the traffic volume in GB over the last 24 hours.

Traffic since beginning of month

Shows the traffic volume in GB since the beginning of the month.

Bytes transferred

Chart showing bytes transferred (in GB) over a timeline.

Bytes transferred by host

Chart showing bytes transferred (in GB) over a timeline, categorized by host.

HTTP statuses

Statistic Description

Error rate

Shows the total percentage of errors.

Error rate over last 24 hours

Shows the total percentage of errors over the last 24 hours.

Error rate since beginning of month

Shows the total percentage of errors since the beginning of the month.

HTTP statuses

Chart showing a breakdown of the HTTP statues returned, categorized by status, such as 200 or 503.

HTTP Info, Success

Timeline showing the number of INFO (206) and SUCCESS (200) responses.

HTTP redirects

Chart showing HTTP redirects requests on a timeline, categorized by HTTP status code such as 302 or 308.

HTTP errors

Chart showing HTTP error requests on a timeline, categorized by HTTP status code such as 404 or 503.





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