Fastly Waiting Room

Premium feature

The Fastly Waiting Room is a feature to help you manage high traffic volume on your site and prevent site overload. It assigns a delay for new user requests which allows existing users to finish what they’re trying to do.

The Fastly Waiting Room:

  • Prevents site overload by intelligently handling the influx of new visitors.

  • Fairly distributes the site traffic so that each user has equal chance of access. During high-demand events, promotions, or sales, this can be highly useful.

  • Reduces server load so performance is not hindered.

waiting room journey

Get the Fastly Waiting Room

The Fastly Waiting Room is a premium feature. You’ll need to talk with your Magnolia PaaS representative to discuss enabling the feature.

You must have the appropriate admin privileges to enable the Fastly Waiting Room. If you go to the Waiting Room in the Cockpit without the appropriate privileges, you’ll see an error page. If your account has the privileges to enable the Fastly Waiting Room, you can follow the instructions here.

Configure the Fastly Waiting Room

  1. In your Cockpit, go to Content delivery > Fastly Waiting Room.

    View from the Cockpit

    waiting room cockpit

  2. Choose the Cluster Id from the dropdown.

  3. Click Apply Filters.

  4. Toggle Enable Waiting Room to enable the feature.

  5. Input the Wait period duration in seconds.

    This is the minimum period of time a visitor must wait before a decision to grant access is made.

  6. Input the Allow percentage. Enter a value between 0 and 100.

    Important considerations

    • This determines what percentage of new requests are allowed to proceed to the site at any point.

    • It helps to control the traffic in a way that prevents server overload.

    • 0 means no new requests are allowed to enter the site.

    • 100 means all new requests are allowed to enter the site.

    The Default is 50 meaning 50% go to the site and 50% go to the waiting room.

  7. Input the Time in seconds a client is allowed to access.

    This is how long the site visitor can stay on the site after access is granted.

    Default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes/1 hour)

  8. Input Page refresh time in seconds.

    This is how long the Waiting Room waits to refresh and check for cookie status. Default is 5 seconds

  9. Input the HTML that is used to render the look and feel of the Waiting Room.

    Sample and tips

    There is a limit of 8000 characters for the field.

    This is just an example. You should use your own template and design to ensure a seamless look and feel for your users.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <title>Waiting Room</title> (1)
          <div class="container">
             <h1>Welcome to the Waiting Room</h1> (2)
             <p>We apologize for the inconvenience, but the site is quite busy.</p> (3)
             <p>Enjoy this dancing penguin while you wait.</p> (3)
             <img src="dancing-penguin.jpg" alt="Dancing Penguin funny">
    1 Give the Waiting Room a meaningful title.
    2 Write a thoughtful header.
    3 It’s important to explain what is happening to the user.




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